
Workplace Flexibility and Attendance Tracking: The Simplest Way to Draw Them Closer Together

Workplace flexibility is currently the most desirable job benefit, and employers leverage it to get and keep the best employees. Who would not want to choose where they work and how to organise their own schedule? While having these options is gaining popularity, attendance tracking also needs to be adopted.

home office

According to surveys by the Swiss company IWG, up to 70% of employees work remotely at least once a week. The insurance company Canada Life has found that home-based work has been evaluated by its employees as being much more effective than working in an open space office. While their productivity at the office was rated at 6.5 points out of 10, remote work reached a score of up to 7.7 points.

On the other hand, many companies are afraid of remote working being abused.

Therefore, there is a need to adopt attendance tracking to follow the current trends in order to be as convenient as possible while allowing for effective control. The attendance system should be fair and just. And, for the most part, without unnecessary paperwork.

What kinds of issues should the attendance system be able to tackle in 2019?

Immediate Online Access

In many companies, the administration is a matter that is still being tackled primarily in paper form. Attendance lists and leave requests are severely limiting for employees, causing complications when working from home.

If employees can manage this bureaucracy freely and from anywhere, it increases workplace satisfaction and allows things to be resolved faster.

The cloud-based application Fingera enables remote work for managers and team leaders, too. The system will automatically notify them of incoming employee requests. At the same time, they have an immediate overview of whether the employee is entitled to, for example, a leave of absence. Based on this information, they can approve or reject a request within a few minutes.

Fingera is able to simplify work even more. You can set automatic approvals of certain requests. The system can automatically approve one day of home office weekly, or a maximum of not longer than two days leave.

The rest can also be managed via a smartphone. The Fingera Mobile app is a full-featured variant of the desktop solution.

Individually Adjustable Approvals

Is any company employee entitled to remote work? And if so, is everyone entitled to the same number of flexible workplace days? Probably not, but this is not a problem for Fingera.

The system is able to set the criteria individually for each employee. HR staff do not have to keep track of everything mentally. Of course, all conditions can be changed at any time if necessary.

Simple and Reliable Tracking of Time Worked Outside of the Workplace

From an administrative point of view, reporting workplace flexibility with traditional tools may be inconvenient. However, digital attendance systems are able to announce the start of work with a single click as soon as the computer has been turned on.

However, this does not only apply to flexibility in the workplace. With Fingera, you can easily track over time. People sometimes take their work home to finish the things they need in the evenings. Thanks to the online attendance system, the time spent in this way will not be neglected.

Another useful feature of Fingera is geolocation, which allows the employer to check in real time whether employees are really located where they should be. Thus, any fears of abusing the system are abated.

If you are looking for an attendance system that meets all of these criteria, you have come to the right place. Try Fingera and discover how it can perfectly address your company needs.

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