
Small Company

Approximately 20 employees


The company has grown and increased the number of employees to a level where attendance records cannot be effectively managed in the old paper form

Our Solution

Innovatrics installed a stand-alone Fingera terminal to record attendance. Thanks to Fingera, employees can now monitor their own attendance and manage their timekeeping.

Dochádzkový systém

We can help your business

Our solution is tailored to your needs, so whether you are a small, medium, or large business, Fingera can help you.

Pre malé firmy

For medium-sized companies

Have you grown and now is the time to optimize and streamline your processes? Fingera saves you and your staff considerable time and effort.

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Pre malé firmy

For large companies

Small company = small problems, big company = big problems? With Fingera, absolutely not! You can keep a precise overview, even with a large number of employees.

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